Beyond Shared Web and VPS

There are more hosting solutions besides shared web hosting and VPS. Choose from other traditional hosting options below or write your own hosting script. FEdoraGroup will work with you to custom design the right hosting plan for you. Our traditional and custom plans include a faster db server and more of what’s important: more throughput, more CPUs, and more memory.

Don't see a box that fits your needs?

We work outside the box, in the margins, and over the rainbow. We will craft a hosting solution for your needs. We offer simple single server instances or can engineer complex private cloud infrastructure. Strategize with us today!

Custom Web Hosting Solutions

Ecommerce Hosting – Optimized hosting for online stores and includes features such as SSL certificates and support for payment gateways. Fedora Group supports WooCommerce.

HIPAA Compliant Hosting – Fedora Group can help with compliance on secure servers, encrypted data transmission, and regular security audits.

Managed WordPress – Get automatic updates, daily backups, and security measures to protect your site. FirstLink handles all technical aspects of running the site, including server maintenance and updates.

Custom Engineered Solutions

Co-location Hosting – Your data, your equipment, our solid infrastructure and first-class support make co-location hosting a cost-effective solution to data storage issues.

Dedicated Server – Have all server resources dedicated to you with complete control. This is an excellent choice for businesses that have high traffic websites or need a high level of security. Hands off to fully managed solutions.

Server Clusters – Scalable, flexible, and with a customizable infrastructure, server clusters provide automatic recovery from failure. For their scope and reliability they are highly affordable.

Explore our Hosting Components

  • Unique Operating Systems

    If you need a different operating system that isn’t offered in one of our VPS packages, contact us and let us build you a custom hosting image that meets your needs. We currently offer Ubuntu and Windows Server VPS, but if you need a different Linux Distro, or perhaps something more unique like OpenVMS, we can work with you to build a solution that meets your needs.
  • VPN

    VPNs are commonly used to enable secure connections between users and their cloud or office environments, but they can also be used to connect an entire office to a cloud environment. Among the custom hosting solutions we can engineer for you is Site to Site or Site to Cloud VPN that can enable easy access for your users to FGL hosted resources. FGL can be your remote backup target or replication site for Active Directory and other services as well.
  • Hybrid Cloud

    Many businesses have physical locations with resources that need to connect to their cloud based assets. If you need a custom hosting solution to connect your office to the cloud securely, we can help engineer your hybrid cloud environment to provide a secure and low friction experience to meet your business needs.
  • Virtual Private Cloud

    If you like the idea of Virtual Private Servers (VPS) but know your application or business needs necessitate more than one VPS, we can deploy multiple VPS in a private LAN for you and setup a VPN/firewall to enable secure access. This is a common custom hosting scenario among our customers that provides a powerful and flexible cloud experience. This is ideal if you have multiple web and database servers and would like the peace of mind that a dedicated firewall appliance can provide.

Co-location Hosting

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If you already own server hardware and need a secure and reliable data center to house it in with access to multi gigabit, multi carrier bandwidth, we can engineer a custom hosting solution to get your servers into our data center that has multiple UPS and generators available to keep your critical systems online.

Static IPv4 & IPv6 Addresses

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FGL offers access to as many Static IPs as your custom hosting solution might require. Each server can have a dedicated address or you can NAT them behind a firewall, but no matter how your custom solution is designed, you can reliably access it using IP addresses that can be statically assigned to you. You’ll never have to worry about getting a new IP address just because you had to reboot a server.

Bare Metal Hosting

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If your workloads are simply too big for a VPS to handle, we can engineer a custom hosting solution for you that runs on hardware dedicated to only your needs. You get the entire server and don’t share with anyone else to ensure your mission critical applications perform at their best.

Bespoke Solutions and Boutique Service

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With FGL, not only do you gain access to a wide variety of custom hosting solutions, you get our FGL customer support. When you call, email, or open a ticket with FGL, you skip right to the engineer that will handle your case. FGL doesn’t put you through a phone tree or make you go through multiple escalations to get what you need.

Don’t Wait to Get your Custom Hosting Solution

Contact us today to see how FGL can build a custom hosting solution to meet your business needs.

Custom Hosting FAQ's

What if I don't see what I need here?

There are many custom building blocks to choose from available at Fedora Group. Depending on your needs, we will get you into the right hosting plan for your business. If we need to invent it as we go, we’ll get your environment realized.

How easy is it to scale up or down?

We understand business needs change and make it easy to scale up or down your hosting plan as needs arise.

How responsive is your customer service and tech support?

At Fedora Group, speak to a Tier 1 tech during business hours anytime. No wasting time in a phone tree.

Do you charge for a consultation?

No. Phone consultations are always free. Our goal is to get you in the correct custom hosting solution for your needs.